Easy Tables Plugin

Easy Tables Plugin

Easy Tables Plugin Easy Tables plugin is a great tool to create tables on your posts or pages. It is pretty easy to use. In other to activate it, go to Plugin on the dashboard and search for Easy Table. Then, activate it, and you will be ready to use Easy Table on any...
Heads Up! Your Site Might Be Illegal

Heads Up! Your Site Might Be Illegal

You are probably thinking that there is no way your site could be illegalā€¦unless great content is against the law. šŸ˜‰ Ok, sorry, I had to fit that in there. Anyway, when you create a site, you are probably thinking about user accessibility. How will the user navigate my pages? Is this text easy to read? Will this be mobile-friendly? But how often do you think about those who have a disability accessing your page?

UARK Network Site Showcase

UARK Network Site Showcase

Design Showcase WP Team Favorites from the UARK Network Boxed Layout Box layouts are easy to use and dependable. The Associated Student Government takes advantage of this structure in their easy to navigate site. Full Width Layout A full width format supplies a more...
Formidable Plugin

Formidable Plugin

Formidable Plugin Formidable is a great plugin toĀ use onĀ your WordPress site. This is a tool that you can use to create different types of forms such as contact, polls and surveys, lead generation, email forms, and more. To install it, go to plugin and search for...
Great Free Images for Your WordPress Sites

Great Free Images for Your WordPress Sites

Great Free Images for Your WordPress Sites Having high-quality images is important for a site. This is how you illustrate your main idea for example of your site, post, or article. Nowadays, all imagesĀ are protected are copyright protected even if they do not mention...
How to Increase Site Traffic

How to Increase Site Traffic

Building a site and creating content is hard work. After that, it should be smooth sailing, right? The short answer is yes; the more complicated answer is not at first. If you want more people to view your site, it may take time to get your content out there, but the payoff is worth it. Here are three quick tips for increasing your site traffic.