Color Schemes

Color Schemes

What is a Color Scheme? A Color scheme is the choice of colors used in a design that are used in a deliberate manner to create style and appeal. There are multiple types of color schemes and its important to think about how the colors fit together when making a...
Using Built-In Divi Animation

Using Built-In Divi Animation

Using Built-In Divi Animation Animation can be a fun way to reveal content on your site. When used thoughtfully, it can encourage your use to explore the content of your page. When used haphazardly or excessively it can distract your audience from your content. There...
How to: Embed Videos

How to: Embed Videos

How to: Embed Videos     Before I get into the tutorial, I want to take some time to explain why you would want to embed the video. Why would you want to embed a video when it is so much easier to use the video module? What if you wanted more from the video?...
How To Offset a Box Section

How To Offset a Box Section

How To Offset A Box Section Have you ever been designing a site and just want to add a small design element without overpowering your layout? If yes, this post may just the thing you want to consider. Here, I will show you how to offset a box section with a few easy...