Adjusting Site Menus

Adjusting Site Menus

Adjusting Site Menus Adding items to your menu in WordPress may not seem apparent right away, but is actually quite straightforward. Follow the steps below to easily update your site’s menu.   **Note: If you plan to add a page or post to the site menu, go ahead...
Advanced Background Techniques

Advanced Background Techniques

Advanced Background Techniques One of the best ways to add design flair to your website is taking advantage of the different background techniques Divi offers. Today, we’ll go over two different advanced techniques for backgrounds. Adding Video Backgrounds...
What are EM and REM?

What are EM and REM?

What are EM and REM? There are a lot of different displays that your site might show up on. From Desktops, tablets, Phones, and more there is no telling where or how your site will be displayed. If you care about your site and how it looks (you should), then you will...