Exciting Upgrade for Your UARK WordPress Site

Exciting Upgrade for Your UARK WordPress Site

An exciting new upgrade is coming for WordPress users at the University of Arkansas. On Saturday, September 30, personal WordPress sites will be migrated from on-campus hosting to cloud hosting with CampusPress, a national leader in higher education web hosting. 

4 Steps to a User-Friendly Site

4 Steps to a User-Friendly Site

Above all else, it’s imperative that your site is user-friendly. If your site is confusing or misleading, users are less likely to stay on or come back to your site. You can ensure your site is user-friendly with these four easy steps.

Keyboard Shortcuts in WordPress

Keyboard Shortcuts in WordPress

Keyboard Shortcuts in WordPress WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts Why use keyboard shortcuts? They can increase efficiency when writing on a site; editing a site can be done quickly when using commands because it prevents you from taking your hands off of the keyboard....
5 Reasons You Should Blog

5 Reasons You Should Blog

So you have a website where you display what you do. You may have checked out our other posts about design, marketing, content or more. This may seem like plenty to manage and keep updated already; however, I am going to give five reasons you should use your website to blog.