How to add a Post

How to add a Post

How to add a Post Creating a new post in WordPress is one of the first things to learn. It can be done either from the Dashboard or from the Admin panel. If you’re logged in and in the back-end, creating a new post from anywhere is as easy as hovering over the...
Removing the slider image transition animation.

Removing the slider image transition animation.

How to make a picture persistent in a slider       Having a slider that rotates through multiple images is a very useful tool. Being able to have a persistent logo on your site with information about the array of things your site offers allows your user...
How To Offset a Box Section

How To Offset a Box Section

How To Offset A Box Section Have you ever been designing a site and just want to add a small design element without overpowering your layout? If yes, this post may just the thing you want to consider. Here, I will show you how to offset a box section with a few easy...
Easy Tables Plugin

Easy Tables Plugin

Easy Tables Plugin Easy Tables plugin is a great tool to create tables on your posts or pages. It is pretty easy to use. In other to activate it, go to Plugin on the dashboard and search for Easy Table. Then, activate it, and you will be ready to use Easy Table on any...


Parallax Parallax is a term used to describe an effect that gives the perception of life-like distance and motion using a kind of two-dimensional animation. This is accomplished by changing the scrolling speeds of different elements on a webpage to create the illusion...
Using Background Images and Gradient Overlays

Using Background Images and Gradient Overlays

They key to a professional appearance on your WordPress site can be found in your images. Often times, users post images that are bad, blurry, or just plain boring. Here, I will show you how to use Divi’s background overlays and settings to spice up the images on your site. There are tons of options to tweak your image…