Freight Transportation Data Research Lab

Sarah Hernandez, University of Arkansas, Department of Civil Engineering




  1. G. Agorku, S. V. Hernandez, M. Falquez, S. Poddar, and K. Amankwah-Nkyi, “Real-Time Barge Detection Using Traffic Cameras and Deep Learning on Inland Waterways,” Transp. Res. Rec. J. Transp. Res. Board, 2024, Accessed: Aug. 21, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  2. Sanjeev Bhurtyal; Sarah Hernandez; Kwadwo Amankwah-Nkyi, Data-Driven Methods to Assess Transportation System Resilience: Case Study of the Arkansas Roadway Network, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems;


  1. Bhurtyal, S., Hernandez, S., Eksioglu, S., and Yves, M., A two-stage stochastic optimization model for port infrastructure planning, Maritime Economics and Logistics, June 2023.
  2. Akter, T., Hernandez, S., and Camargo, P., Freight Operational Characteristics Mined from Anonymous Mobile Sensor Data, Transportation Research Record, March 2023.


  1. Akter, T. and Hernandez, S., Representative truck activity patterns from anonymous mobile sensor data, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, May 2022, in press (Available online).
  2. Asborno, M., Hernandez, S., Mitchell, K., and Manzi, Y., (2022) Inland Waterway Network Mapping of AIS Data for Freight Transportation Planning, Journal of Navigation, Vol. 72, Issue 2, pp 251-272.
  3. Mahmud, S., Hernandez, S., and Mitra, S., (2022) Impact of Truck Parking Facilities on Commercial and Industrial Land Values: A spatial hedonic model, Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2676, Issue 3, pp. 328-341.
  4. Asborno, M. and Hernandez, S., (2022) Assigning a commodity dimension to AIS data: Disaggregated freight flow on an inland waterway network, Research in Transportation Business and Management, Vol. 44, Issue 100683.
  5. Akter, T. and Hernandez, S., Truck Industry Classification from Anonymous Mobile Sensor Data Using Machine Learning, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 11, Issue 3, pp 522-535.


  1. Diaz-Corro, K., Coronel Moreno, L., Mitra, S., and Hernandez, S. (2021), “Assessment of Crash Occurrence Using Historical Crash Data and A Random Effect Negative Binomial Model: A Case Study for a Rural State“, Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2676, Issue 12.
  2. Mahmud, S., Asadi, A., LaCrue, A., Akter, T., Hernandez, S., and Nurre Pinkley, S. (2021), “A Hybrid Agent-Based Simulation and Optimization Approach for Statewide Truck Parking Capacity Expansion“, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 184, pp. 33-41.
  3. Asborno, M., Yves, M., and Hernandez, S. (2021), “GIS-based identification and visualization of multimodal freight transportation catchment areas“, Transportation, Vol. 48, pp. 2939–2968.


  1. Mahmud, S., Akter, S., and Hernandez, S., “Truck Parking Usage Patterns by Facility Amenity Availability“, Transportation Research Record, Volume 2674, Issue 10, 2020.
  2. Regehr, J., Kristopher, M., Vanderwess, J., and Hernandez, S., “Gaussian Mixture Model to Characterize Payload Distributions for Predominant Truck Configurations and Body Types“, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, Vol. 146, Is. 2, June 2020.
  3. Heymsfield, E., Hernandez, S., and Pasley, K., “Bridge Load Posting Based on Actual Arkansas Truck Traffic“, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 25, Is. 5, 2020.
  4. Asborno, M., Hernandez, S., and Akter, T., “Multicommodity port throughput from truck GPS and lock performance data fusion“, Maritime Economics and Logistics, 2020.
  5. Akter, T., Mitra, S., and Hernandez, S., “A Spatial Panel Regression Model to Measure the Effect of Weather Events on Freight Truck Traffic“, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, February, 2020.


  1. Hernandez, S., and Hyun, K., “Fusion of weigh-in-motion and global positioning system data to estimate truck weight distributions at traffic count sites“, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, Vol. 24, Issue 2, pp. 201-215, 2019.
  2. Corro, K., Akter, T., and Hernandez, S., “Comparison of Overnight Truck Parking Counts with GPS Derived Counts for Truck Parking Facility Utilization Analysis“, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume: 2673 Issue: 8, page(s): 377-387, 2019.
  3. Asborno, M., Burris, C. and Hernandez, S., “Truck Body Type Classification Using Single Beam Lidar Sensors,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume: 2673 Issue: 1, page(s): 26-40, 2019.


  1. Asborno, M. and Hernandez, S., “Using Data from a State Travel Demand Model to Develop a Multicriteria Framework for Transload Facility Location Planning,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2672, Issue No. 9, December 2018, pp. 12-23.
  2. Smith, S., Braham, A., Hernandez, S., and Kent, J., “Development of a Cost-Estimation Framework for Potential Transload Facilities”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2672, Issue No. 9, December 2018, pp. 24-34.  *Awarded the Private Sector Applicability Award by the TRB Standing Committee on Intermodal Freight Transportation


  1. Tok, A., Hyun, K., Hernandez, S., Jeong, K., Sun, E., Rindt, C., Ritchie, S.G., “Truck Activity Monitoring System (TAMS) for Freight Transportation Analysis”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2610 Issue: 1, pp. 97-107, 2017.
  2. Hernandez, S., “Estimation of Average Payloads from Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) Data”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume: 2644 Issue: 1, page(s): 39-47, 2017.

2016 and older

  1. Hernandez, S., Tok, A., and Ritchie, S.G., “Multiple-Classifier Systems for Truck Body Classification at WIM Sites with Inductive Signature Data”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 68:1-21, June, 2016.
  2. Hernandez, S., and Ritchie, S.G., “Motivating Students to Pursue Transportation Careers: Implementation of a service learning project on transit”, Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2480, 2015, pp. 30-37.
  3. Hyun, K., Hernandez, S., Tok, A., and Ritchie, S.G., “Estimating truck volume and weight distribution by body configuration using Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) data”, Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2478, 2015, pp. 103-112.
  4. Chow, J., Hernandez, S., Bhagat, A., and McNally, M.,“Multicriteria Sustainability Assessment in Transport Planning for Recreational Travel” , International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 151-175, 2013.
  5. Jeng, S.T., Chu, L., and Hernandez, S., “A Wavelet-KNN based Vehicle Classification Approach using Inductive Loop Signatures”, Transportation Research Record, No. 2380, Vol. 1, pp. 72-80, 2013.
  6. Yeon, J., Hernandez, S., and Elefteriadou, L., “Differences in Freeway Capacity by Day of the Week, Time of Day, and Segment Type”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 7, pp. 416-426, 2009.
  1. G. Agorku, S. V. Hernandez, M. Falquez, S. Poddar, and S. Pang, “Predicting Barge Presence and Quantity on Inland Waterways using Vessel Tracking Data: A Machine Learning Approach”, Lectern at 104th TRB Annual Meeting 2025, Washington, D.C
  2. S. Pang, S. V. Hernandez, M. Falquez, S. Poddar, and G. Agorku, “Identifying Waterway Traffic Flow Patterns Using Modified Clustering”, Lectern at 104th TRB Annual Meeting 2025, Washington, D.C
  1. G. Agorku, S. V. Hernandez, M. Falquez, S. Poddar, and K. Amankwah-Nkyi, “Real-Time Barge Detection Using Traffic Cameras and Deep Learning on Inland Waterways,” Poster at the 2024 Missouri Valley District Institute of Transportation Engineers (MOVITE) Spring Meeting, Omaha, Nebraska
  2. Amankwah-Nkyi K. et al., “Ranking Highway Transportation Asset Criticality through Stakeholder Input Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP),” Poster presentation at 103rd TRB Annual Meeting 2024
  3. P. Pokharel, S.V. Hernandez, “Interplay of Driver Demographics, Driving Habits, and Traffic Campaigns: Survey–Based Insights for Evidence-Based Safety Campaigns Messaging”, Poster at the 2024 Missouri Valley District Institute of Transportation Engineers (MOVITE) Spring Meeting, Omaha, Nebraska
  4. P. Pokharel, S.V. Hernandez, “Interplay of Driver Demographics, Driving Habits, and Traffic Campaigns: Survey–Based Insights for Evidence-Based Safety Campaigns Messaging”, Poster at the 2024 Missouri Valley District Institute of Transportation Engineers (MOVITE) Fall Meeting, Manhattan, Kansas
  5. P. Pokharel, G. Agorku,  S.V. Hernandez, “Findings of the Razorback Transit Survey”, Poster at the 2024 Missouri Valley District Institute of Transportation Engineers (MOVITE) Fall Meeting, Manhattan, Kansas
  1. Amankwah-Nkyi, K, “Criticality Assessment Metrics of Arkansas’s Highway System using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model”, Presented at the Geospatial Information Systems for Transportation Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK, April 11-14, 2023.
  2. Bhurtyal, S., Bui, H., Hernandez, S., Eksioglu, S., “Predicting Waterborne Commerce Statistics Using AIS and Machine Learning”, The Geospatial Information Systems for Transportation Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK, April 14, 2023.
  3. Hernandez, S., “Arkansas Port Sheds: Visualizing Impacts”, MARAD Roundtable hosted by the Western Arkansas Intermodal Authority and the Wester Arkansas Planning and Development District, Ft. Smith, Arkansas, April, 2023.
  4. Hernandez, S., “The Degree To Which Trucking Parking Facilities Serve Drivers: A New Performance Measure for Transportation Agencies”, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2023.
  5. Hernandez, S. and Hernandez, S., “COVID-19 and the Impacts on Trucking Operations and HOS for Truck Drivers”, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2023.
  1. Bhurtyal S. and Hernandez, S. “A Policy and Infrastructure Evaluation Model Of Commodity Flows Through Inland Waterway Ports”, 7th Annual Conference for the Southeastern Region, Boca Raton, Florida, March 25, 2022.
  2. Bhurtyal S., Hernandez S., Eksioglu, S., Yves, M., “A Two Stage Stochastic Optimization Model for Port Infrastructure Planning”, Oklahoma Transportation Research Day, Oklahoma City, OK, October 18, 2022.
  3. Amankwah-Nkyi, K, “Criticality Assessment Metrics of Arkansas’s Highway System using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model”, Poster at the Oklahoma Transportation Research Day, Oklahoma City, OK, October 18, 2022.
  4. Amankwah-Nkyi, K, “Criticality Assessment Metrics of Arkansas’s Highway System using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model”, Poster at the Institute of Transportation Engineers Missouri Valley Section (MOVITE) Spring Meeting, Overland Park, KS April 20-22, 2022. (Best Graduate Poster Award)
  1. Asborno, M., “Assigning A Commodity Dimension To Vessel Trips Derived From AIS Data On An Inland Waterway Network”, INFORMS 2021 Annual Meeting, October 26, 2021.
  2. Bhurtyal, S., “A Policy And Infrastructure Evaluation Model Of Commodity Flows Through Inland Waterway Ports”, INFORMS 2021 Annual Meeting, October 26, 2021.
  3. Akter, T., “Strategic Truck Parking Investment Decision Making: A hybrid Agent-Based Simulation and Optimization Approach for Statewide Truck Parking Capacity Expansions”, INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 2021.
  4. Hernandez, S., “Strategic Truck Parking Investment Decision Making: A hybrid Agent-Based Simulation and Optimization Approach for Statewide Truck Parking Capacity Expansions”, ITE 2021 Annual Meeting (Virtual), July 20, 2021.
  5. Hernandez, S., “Strategic Truck Parking Investment Decision Making: A hybrid Agent-Based Simulation and Optimization Approach for Statewide Truck Parking Capacity Expansions”, Transportation Planning Applications Conference (Virtual), Hosted by the Transportation Research Board, June 2021.
  6. Asborno, M., and Hernandez, S., “Crowdsourcing tools to train and evaluate machine learning classifiers: freight data management application”, Accepted for presentation at the 2020 National Travel Monitoring Exposition and Conference (NaTMEC) June 22, 2021.Link to Video
  7. Asborno, M., and Hernandez, S., “Single Beam Lidar Detection for Truck-Body Type Classification”, 2020 National Travel Monitoring Exposition and Conference (NaTMEC),  (hosted virtually) June 2021.
  8. Hernandez, S., “TRC1904: Developing and Evidence Based Framework for Bypass and Widening Projects”, Presented at the Arkansas Department of Transportation Transportation Research Committee (TRC) Conference, Virtual event, May 27, 2021. Link to Video
  9. Hernandez, S., “Prioritizing Solutions for Truck Parking”, Presented at the Arkansas Department of Transportation Transportation Research Committee (TRC) Conference, Virtual event, May 27, 2021. Link to Video
  10. Hernandez, S., “TRC2003: Data Driven Methods to Assess Transportation Resilience in Arkansas”, Presented at the Arkansas Department of Transportation Transportation Research Committee (TRC) Conference, Virtual event, May 27, 2021. Link to Video
  11. Hernandez, S., “TRC1801: Evaluation of WIM Auto-calibration Practices and Parameters”, Presented at the Arkansas Department of Transportation Transportation Research Committee (TRC) Conference, Virtual event, May 25, 2021. Link to Video
  12. Hernandez, S., “Diversity and Equity in Freight Transportation”, ITTS Conference, February 2021.  Link to Video
  13. Hernandez, S., Hernandez, Sal (OSU), and Balthrop, A., “Measures of Freight Network Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Drivers and Driver Support Services”, Presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Virtual event, January 2021.  Link to Video
  14. Diaz-Corro, K., Coronel, L., Mitra, S., and Hernandez, S., “Assessment of Crash Occurrence Using Historical Crash Data and A Random Effect Negative Binomial Model: A Case Study for a Rural State”, Presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Virtual event, January 2021. Paper No. 21-01773. Link to Video
  15. Asborno, M., Hernandez, S., and Yves, M., “Commodity-based Vessel Trip Characterization on an Inland Waterway Network“, Presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,  Virtual event, January 2021. Paper No. 21-00123. Link to Video
  16. Bhurtyal, S., Giebler, M., Mitra, S., Hernandez, S., “Impacts of a Highway Bypass on Residential Property Values in a Small City in Arkansas”, Accepted for presentation at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2021. Paper No. 21-01535. Link to Video
  17. Mahmud, S., Hernandez, S., and Mitra, S., “Impact of Truck Parking Facilities on Commercial and Industrial Land Values: A Spatial Hedonic Model“, Presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,  Virtual event, January 2021. Paper No. 21-01530 Link to Video
  18. Asborno, M., and Hernandez, S., “Towards multimodal freight network modeling: Geospatial map-matching of AIS data and integration with truck movements”, Accepted for presentation at the Sixth Biennial Marine Transportation System Innovative Science and Technology Conference, Washington, D.C., (postponed until March 15-17, 2021).
2020 and Older
  1. Asborno, M., Hernandez, S., and Akter, T., “Multi-Commodity Port throughput from truck GPS and Lock Performance Data Fusion”, Presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 12-16, 2020. 
  2. Akter, T. and Hernandez, S., “Representative Truck Activity Patterns from Anonymous Mobile Sensor Data”, Presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2020. 
  3. Asborno, M., Hernandez, S., and Akter, T., “Multi-Commodity Port throughput from truck GPS and Lock Performance Data Fusion”, Presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 12-16, 2020. 
  4. Asborno, M., Burris, C., and Hernandez, S., “Understanding Commodity Flow: Truck-Body Type Classification Using Single Beam Lidar Sensors”, Institute of Transportation Engineers Missouri Valley Section (MOVITE) Fall Meeting, Lenexa, KS, October 3-5, 2018.
  5. Asborno, M., Burris, C., and Hernandez, S., “Truck-Body Type Classification Using Single Beam Lidar Sensors”, Southern Plains Transportation Center (SPTC) and Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Summer Symposium, Oklahoma, OK, August 14, 2018.
  6. Asborno, M. and Hernandez, S., “Using Data from a State Travel Demand Model to Develop a Multi-Criteria Framework for Transload Facility Location Planning”, Presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2018.
  7. Smith, S., Braham, A., Hernandez, S., and Kent, J., “Development of a cost estimation framework for potential transload facilities”, Presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2018. *Awarded the Private Sector Applicability Award by the TRB Standing Committee on Intermodal Freight Transportation
  8. Rodriguez, D. and Hernandez, S., “Regularized Least Squares Approach to Fitting Paratransit Demand Models with Limited and Uncertain Data”, Presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2018.
  9. Gaddy, A., Hernandez, S., and Nurre, S., “Incorporating Truck Parking and Hours of Service (HOS) into a Truck Routing Heuristic”, Presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2018.
  10. Maranchuk, K., Vanderwees, J., Regehr, J., and Hernandez, S., “Payload Distributions for Predominant Axle Configurations and Truck Body Types”, Presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2018.
  11. Asborno, M., and Hernandez, S., “Using Data from a State Travel Demand Model to Develop a Multi-Criteria Framework for Facility Location Planning”, Southern Plains Transportation Center (SPTC) Summer Symposium, Oklahoma, OK, August 15, 2017.
  12. Rodriguez, D. and Hernandez, S., “A Two-Step Demand Forecasting Model for Paratransit Systems: Model Formulation and Estimation Procedure”, Presented at the Applying Census Data for Transportation: 50 Years of Transportation Planning Data Progress Workshop, Kansas City, Missouri, November 14, 2017.
  13. Corro-Diaz, K. and Hernandez, S., “Implementation of a Learning Module Addressing Interdisciplinary Activities: Introducing Undergraduate Engineering Students to Emerging Transportation Data Collection Tools”, Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Midwest Meeting, Stillwater, Oklahoma, September 24-26, 2017.
  14. Corro-Diaz, K. and Hernandez, S., “Service Learning Extracurricular Outreach Activities: Development and Implementation of a Transportation Engineering Learning Module”, Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Midwest Meeting, Stillwater, Oklahoma, September 24-26, 2017.
  15. Hernandez, S. and Camargo, P., “Development and Applications of Vehicle Trajectories: A map matching algorithm harnessing open source software”, Innovations in Freight Data Workshop, Irvine, CA, May 17-18, 2017.
  16. Hernandez, S., “State of Inductive Signature Data and Applications”, National Cooperative Freight Research Program (NCFRP) Project 49 Workshop 1, Irvine, CA, June 29-30, 2017.
  17. Hernandez, S., “Estimation of Average Payloads from Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) Data”, Accepted for presentation by the Standing Committee on Highway Traffic Monitoring (ABJ35) for the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2017.
  18. Hernandez, S. and Hyun, K, “Truck Weight Distributions at Traffic Count Sites Using WIM and GPS Data”, Accepted for presentation by the Standing Committee on Highway Traffic Monitoring (ABJ35) for the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2017.
  19. Smith, S., Hernandez, S., and Braham, A., “Developing a Statewide Facility Inventory: Challenges and Lessons Learned”, Accepted for presentation by the Standing Committee on Intermodal Freight Transportation (ATO45) for the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2017.
  20. Tok, Y.C., Hyun, K., Hernandez, S., Jeong, K., Sun, Y., Rindt, C., and Ritchie, S., “Truck Activity Monitoring System (TAMS) for Freight Transportation Analysis”, Accepted for presentation by the Standing Committee on Trucking Industry Research (ATO60) for the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2017.
  21. Hernandez, S., Tok, A., and Ritchie, S.G., “Multiple-Classifier Systems for Truck Body Classification at WIM Sites with Inductive Signature Data”, Submitted to the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2015.
  22. Hernandez, S., Tok, A., and Ritchie, S.G., “Integration of Weigh-in-Motion and Inductive Signature Technology for Advanced Truck Monitoring”, Presentation at the 2014 University of California Transportation Center Student (UCTC) Conference Cal Poly Pomona, April 2014.
  23. Hyun, K., Hernandez, S., Tok, Y.C., and Ritchie, S.G., “Estimating Truck Volumes by Body Configuration using Weigh-in-Motion Data”, Poster at the 2014 UCTC Student Conference, Cal Poly Pomona, April 2014. (Best Overall Poster Award)
  24. Carrillo, Alma, Hernandez, S., and Ritchie, S.G., “Severity of Accidents Based on Truck Body Classification,” Poster at the 2014 UCTC Student Conference Cal Poly Pomona, April 2014. (Best Poster Design Award)
  25. Hernandez, S. and Regue, R., “Using Signature Based Re-identification to Measure Lane Changing Maneuvers,” Presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2013.
  26. Hernandez, S. and Regue, R., “Using Signature Based Re-identification to Measure Lane Changing Maneuvers”, Presented at the 10th Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium at Beihang University, Beijing, China, October 9-13th, 2013.
  27. Tok, A., Hernandez, S., and Ritchie, S.G. “Accurate Individual Vehicle Speeds from Single Inductive Loop Signatures”, Compendium of Papers, 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2009.
  1. Hernandez, S., Driving Simulators as Educational Outreach for Freight Transportation, MarTREC Final Report (6016), June 2023.
  2. Hernandez, S., Eksioglu, S., Bhurtyal, S., and Yves, M., A Policy and Infrastructure Evaluation Model of Commodity Flows through Inland Waterway Ports, MarTREC Final Report (6013), August 2022.
  3. Hernandez, S. and Mitra, S., TRC2003 Data Driven Methods to Assess Transportation System Resilience in Arkansas, Final Report, September 2022.
  4. Hernandez, S. and Mitra, S., TRC 2003 Data Driven Methods to Assess Transportation System Resilience in Arkansas, Implementation Report, September 2022. TRC2003 Implementation Report Data Files: Excel Workbooks and Base Network; Model Files; Data Files
  5. Hernandez, S., Asborno, M., Bhurtyal, S., and Diaz-Corro, K.,TRC 1904 Final Report, Developing Evidence Based Framework for Bypass and Widening Projects and the Effects on Communities, May, 2021.
  6. Hernandez, S., Asborno, M., and Yves, M., MarTREC 6008 Final Research Report, Combining Truck and Vessel Tracking Data to Estimate Performance and Impacts of Inland Waterway Ports, August 2020.
  7. Hernandez, S., Crews, M. MarTREC 6009 Final Report, Interdisciplinary Education Outreach with Traffic Sensor Build Kits, July, 2020.
  8. Hernandez, S., Akter, T., Corro, K., and Williamson, M., TRC1702 Final Report, Truck Activity Analysis Using GPS Data, August, 2019.
  9. Hernandez, S., Durandal, F., and Baker, J., TRC1801 Final Report, Weigh-in-Motion Auto-Calibration Practices and Parameters, September, 2019.
  10. Heymsfield, R., Hernandez, S., and Pasley, K., TRC1701 Final Report, Bridge Load Posting Based on Actual Arkansas Truck Traffic, September, 2018.
  11. Hernandez, S., Asborno, M., Burris, C., MarTREC 5011 Final Report, Evaluating the Performance of Intermodal Connectors in Arkansas, September, 2018.
  12. Braham, A, Hernandez, S., Kent, J., Asborno, M., and Smith, S., TRC1608 Draft Final Report, Locating Transload Facilities to Ease Highway Congestion and Safeguard the Environment, August, 2017.
  13. Hernandez, S., Carrillo, A., and Rodriguez, A., Joshua Tree National Park Transit Feasibility Study, Report for the Nationals Parks Conservation Association and Joshua Tree National Park, June 2014.
  14. Chow, J., Hernandez, S., Bhagat, A., and McNally, M., Sustainable Transit Feasibility Study for the Mojave National Preserve, Report for the National Parks Conservation Association, January 2010.
  15. Hernandez, S., Tok, A., and Ritchie, S.G., Density Estimation using Inductive Loop Signature Based Vehicle Re-identification and Classification, UCI-ITS-WP-13-4.